Geometric WordPress theme is a theme for showcasting products or designs. Geometric has the sleek and bold design.
Geometric WordPress Theme has the following features:
- Geometric is a hybrid of a blog + portfolio and thus enables you to run both these as an integrated offering on one WP installation;
- A custom home page, which is completely widgetized and thus allows you to move different widgets (for blogging, portfolio & social profiles) around as you wish;
- A completely widgetized sidebar, along with 12 custom (Geometric-specifc) widgets that you can use;
- Ability to interchange between a left and right sidebar;
- Styling for both blog and portfolio items that are carried forth throughout the site (category, date-based and tag archives, along with search results); and
- The ability to publish all of your social profiles throughout the site; allowing you to connect with more of your users.
Price: $70 Single License | $150 Developer License
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WooThemes creates cutting edge WordPress templates packed with features with clean layouts. They are currently having the “The Permanent 2-For-1 Offer.” Click here for more information.